Act as api logo

Supported clients:

Example of usage:

Any API client can be used with or withour Rails. All what you need to do is inherit from ApiClient and choose service through act_as_api_client for:. Also some clients may require some settings token etc.

Add to Gemfile:

gem 'act_as_api_client'

Request service:

require "act_as_api_client"

class AnthropicClient < ApiClient
  act_as_api_client for: %i[anthropic messages],
                    with: { x_api_key: ENV["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] }

anthropic_client =

  model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
  messages: [{ "role": "user", "content": "Hello there." }],
  max_tokens: 1024